Sunday, December 4, 2011

Battling with wight issues?

Are you battling with your weight as well? Cause i sure am. I never had any issues with my weight before but recently as i get older, the extra pounds are getting harder and harder to shed off. Don't you agree? I usually don't really bother about the numbers of my weight. But recently with my body suddenly bloating up like a balloon, i had to do something about it. I tried crash diets and intense workouts. So i did it for about 3 weeks and yes i did lose weigh but it wasn't permanent. The worst part is i lost a little of my assets which is a nono for girls. :/

So after that, i started eating again but i cut down on carbs and bad proteins like beef, pork and all those red meat. So nowadays, i eat a lot of fish that are steamed or grilled and loads of vege and fruits. It's working but it doesn't give you an instant result but it definitely helps you to put off the extra weight permanently. Exercising is definitely a must but there is no need to do excessive work outs for girls. Cause you wouldn't want to end up looking like a man right?? All we want is a lean and toned body, a super banging bikini bod. What i've learned is that you should do weight training first then only treadmill. I'm not sure if it's true, it really depends on what you want to believe. But this routine works out for me. :)

My work out routine actually consist of very easy weight training and i actually got to know of this routine through my best friend, Li Ann :) and really it's starting to work for me. But again like i said, they aren't instant results. It takes time. If you guys do want to try it out, the link is below. There is a video and all that you can follow. :)

Honestly, i'm not happy with how my body is right now. And to some i might be a little ridiculous but for some reason I just feel really fat and ugly compared to starting of the year. To some i look better but to me i really put on a lot of weight and i can't stand looking at myself. So please don't get annoyed or angry when i complain that i'm fat. It's really just how i feel about myself. What i really hate about my body is my legs and my stomach. They're GINORMOUS!! goshhh. :( but yeah, i really hope what i'm doing is going to help me long term. I'm happy that i see a progress though. :) I wanted to try out slimming pills and all that diet plan thing like herbalife but i know myself, i cannot give up good food. So i guess this is the only way. :)

Hopefully this helps you guys.


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