I don't know why but i feel so agitated by a certain topic now. what is it? Well, it is the thoughts and gesture of a guy. No story behind the feeling, it's just a random feeling.
Aren't men and women all the same? We have the same body parts except for our reproductive organs but other than that, we're the same. So why is it that guys can be so mean to girls? Why is it that they think they're more superior? It's so unfair. Maybe we girls are to blame, cause we're softies and wusses. I guess that's the balance that god wants. Not everyone's personality can be too strong right? If all of us have strong personalities, the world will be filled with hatred and wars everywhere.
Let's talk about a guy and girl in a relationship, not marriage just a simple relationship.
The story is very typical. Boy meets girl, girl meets boy. Boy brings girl out and charms the girl. Girl melts for him and falls deeply in love. For three months or so, they'll be all over each other, as if nothing in the world matters anymore. But it usually ends when it hits half a year. Why?
The boy or the girl will find it boring or find it hard to commit? that's just plain ridiculous. If you knew you had commitment issues then why get together in the first place? If it becomes boring, then why not reignite the flame rather than just breaking it? No offensive to guys, but usually the guys are the ones that breaks the girl's heart. They will come up all sorts of excuses to get out of the relationship. And we girls would be crying over something that isn't worth it at all. Always having that slight hope that he might come back.
IS IT FAIR, BOYS? i'm not saying that it's all guys but SOME!! So to those group of guys, is it fair for us girls? What are you guys thinking actually? It's so hard to figure out what you guys want. At times, y'all would say this then say another thing, which is so confusing. Can't you just be straight forward so we would know what to do instead of being your fool or bootycall? You think we would be okay but what if the girl is so deeply in love with you? How do you expect her to get back up again? For a girl, when she falls in love, she stays in love forever. No kidding. Maybe they might not end up with the guy they fell in love with but at the end of the day, they would always think of this question. " I wonder what is he thinking of now?"
Girls probably are more emotional cause of our oestrogen level but you guys should be a little more considerate of our feelings right? Let's say you(guys) actually fell in love with a girl, like really in love and you guys were going great UNTIL one day she tells you that she wants to take a break and asked you to wait for her for months or years. How would you feel eh?
To be in a relationship, a girl and a boy has to cooperative.
Do not hide any sort of feeling you have or whatsoever.
If you don't share, you might hurt your partner in the end.
This goes to girls as well. So don't say i'm a sexist.
I swear,sometimes i think we think we're always thinking about the same things.Seriously man! LOL!
Love ya ems!
hahhaha!! (: i know right.
love you too!! xx
me likey the second last para! haha! hopefully THAT some BOYs would read it. and i think you know who I am ;)
Hahaha:) I think I do;) shhh! Haha
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