Sunday, May 2, 2010

To express

I got accused of doing something i didn't do.
(from someone i love dearly.)

What a 'lovely' night yesterday. shit. I hate it.
Because of that accusation, i had to do something i wouldn't have done in a million years which is deleting my previous blog. It's not cause of the person i shared it with but the memories i had that year. It's something i cherished a lot. I teared when i deleted it.

So 10 minutes ago, i couldn't take it. i tried restoring it and thank the lord it can be restored but instead of leaving it there again, i exported it, deleted it and imported it into THIS BLOG!! (: HOW COOL IS THAT?! YAY!! whatever i've been through that year isn't going to down just in a click. Phew!!

I just wana clear up whatever misunderstanding some people against me. I might not show much affection towards my current boyfriend and that's only because i don't want to get hurt all over again. I don't need to depend on a guy to make me happy. I can do that myself. This is why i'm not so affectionate and open. So please don't think that i'm on to your boyfriend or the person you love. I'm a person that has principles and that is not to cheat and go for other people's love ones. In fact, i get angry when i hear someone i know cheating on someone i know as well.

I will never do that sort of embarassing and shameful thing. Just wanted to clear this up.

So please stop your assumptions
because it hurts when it's coming from the person i love the most

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