got this off postsecret.
Post Secret really knows how i feel.
I definitely feel much sexier when i was 15. I didn't eat so much, i didn't love food that much. And I had a certain glow that i recently found out from a bestfriend of mine. She said that's the only year i was really happy and glowing. I want that glow back, i want that feeling back. The feeling where nothing else in the world mattered as long there was you by my side. But obviously, that's impossible. Nothing can bring back that glow right? Can one guy actually do that? Well, he was special.
I remember when i heard the song Fifteen by Taylor Swift for the first time, i was so shocked with the lyrics of the song. It figuratively ressembled the life i had when i was 15. THE WHOLE SONG was like my story of when i was 15, how ironic is that?
People ask me, why can't i let go of the past?
To that question, i have LET GO, but i will never forget it. How can i forget it? It's impossible. I let go, but i get pulled back at times and everytime that happens, i give myself a slap and look in the mirror and say "Don't be stupid, it's impossible." So now i can finally say, even if i'm not glowing but i do feel happy. I'm just happy with what i have. We can't always get what we want right? I am happy with whatever god plans for me. That's enough for me.
and let's pay attention to this pictures.
I'm sure y'all know her.
she's currently on my lap now. :D
So actually right, i need an opinion on something. As y'all know i love animals EXCEPT FOR REPTILES!!! any sort. I HATE REPTILES. So anywaysssss, hahaa, i am planning to propose to my dad to help me open up a shelter for homeless kitties, dogs, rabbits and any sort of cute furry stuff. (: I really want to make it happen. I cannot bare to see another road kill. :( I see it almost everyday near my area. Loads of stray doggies and kitties on the road, dead. :( sniffs. What do you think?
Oh to first part of this post, i'm just expressing my feelings. It doesn't mean anything. So, please don't get the wrong idea of having mix feelings or so. It's just my past haunts me.
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