Saturday, April 24, 2010


At this point of my life, i'm finally happy.
I have a wonderful loving family.
I have the world's bestest friends ever!!
I have a boyfriend that loves me unconditionally despite all his flaws.
and last but not least, i have cute little baby, MY COOKIE!!! (she's a dog)

Money isn't all that after all.


So yesterday was a rather interesting day.(: I'm sure y'all would love to know about it.
I went to curve yesterday to have lunch with kenderick's friends whom i met for the very first time. Honestly, i was actually really nervous and i don't even know why. I guess i just thought they would hate me but thank god, everything went well. I still don't know whether they hate me or not but hopefully they don't. haha. and pray that don't see this post. :/ I think they're all really nice and funny people. They like to talk and laugh which i love!!

My baby being silly!! like always. -.-

love loves.

I left curve at 4 and straight went to KLGCC to swim with the little sister, michelle!!(: I think we played more instead of swim. haha. who cares la. We're all allowed to have a little fun. Went home at 6.30 and got ready to go out with the boyfie and his friends again. (: We ate at some chinese restaurant which had quite good good, well the boys loved it. hahaha.

Okay here comes the best part, we left the place at like 10 something close to 11. We all parked our car at quite a dark place so it was quite eerie. I walked to the passenger sit and saw this piece of tile, i wasn't sure what it was and didn't bother analysing it. I went in and i was like "eh, why got sound?" then i was turned around i saw ken's car's window was winded down. Then i was like " urh bi, your window!!" then it hit me, the tile wasn't a tile, it was the damn window. SHIT!!!! Someone stupid person broke in and took the bag that was sitting at the back. The best part is the bag had nothing valuable, just some clothes and all. stupid. ishh.

But it was quite scary. :/ that's me day.

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