First thing, i wanna say i'm currently reading a really touching book called
"Summer of Two Wishes".

Well, what's the story about?
It's about about a wife who lost her husband in the war. During those painful years, she remarries after two years after his death. But one day after three years of his death, an officer arrived at her doorstep and informed her that they had gave her wrong information about her husband. They all aassumed that he had died in the tragic blast but instead he survived it and was help captive by the enemies. So, when he comes back, what would happen to her? Who would she choose?
Amazing author, Julia London.
Really there's nothing very happening lately.
All i know is my bestfriends are coming home. I'm so anxious. I want the days to pass like lightning. Can't wait for the sleepovers and the bitching. This saturday sleepover at burn's apartment. It's going to be a blast, girls.

you gave the word love a whole meaning.
thank you. I love you.
very nice ! my birthday and im not in the picture. pfft. you know i am not coming back at all until december :(
Ohmigod!!! I'm so so sorry, i'll write a super long belated post. I'm really sorry but i don't have a clue who you are. I'M SORRY! :/ I'm not good at dates. Don't worry, i will come visit you. (:
Hahaha Li Ann so cute la.
OMG!!! I thought it was your birthday!!! Say la that picture in during your birthday. Haha scare me!!! I go visit la honey!! :) I misss you!
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