The day i've been waiting has finally arrive!!! Well, it was actually on friday. The girls came back from melb and Lisa came back from London. What a reunion, seriously. But sadly, Bryan and Li Ann aren't back from Melb, sighs. I really miss you, guys!!! I'll see you two in December and we'll go on the wildest trip ever! It'll be like the movie, "The Hangover".
So, i didn't see the two girls on the day they came back cause i was in Penang for Ching Ming. In case some of y'all don't the meaning of Ching Ming, it's a festival where the Chinese pray to their ancestors and the relatives that passed away. I went back on friday and came back saturday night. I didn't even go home. I went straight to Elaine's house. We were so desperate to see each other and update each other about our lifes. The bestfriends reunited! (:
I had a great night with Elaine, Elise and her friends. haha.
All that's left is Jeannie Teoh Yen Nie! I haven't seen her yet, what a bitch.

Ignore the hair. -.-
ps.ppppsss this again, farouq.
OMG The Hangover is hilarious!Haha (;
I know right. We should all go vegas after spm. haha. (:
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